Dunki Movie All Songs

 Dunki Movie has 3 songs. The song track 'Pritam Da' and background score is composed by 'Aman Pant'.

1 – Loot Put Gaya (Drop 2)

The song was officially released on 22 November 2023. It has received 62 million views and 826k likes in 3 weeks on YouTube. It was released on T-Series. It was sung by Arijit Singh. The duration of this song is 3 minutes 42 seconds. The lyrics are penned by 'Swanand Kirkire' and 'IP Singh'.

2 - Nikal the Kabhi Hum Ghar Se (Drop 3)

This song is sung by 'Sonu Nigam'. The duration of the song is 4 minutes 59 seconds. Its lyrics are written by 'Javed Akhtar'. It was released on 1 December 2023. It has received 16 million views and 424k likes on YouTube in 2 weeks.

3 - O Mahi

The lyrics are penned by Irshad Kamil. It was released on 11 December 2023. The duration of this song is 4 minutes and 16 seconds. It has been sung by 'Arijit Singh'. On YouTube, it has received 24 million views and 523k likes in four days.

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